Choosing a Temecula polygraph examiner

Is your test for a matter
that could
change your life?
If so,
make sure
that the
chosen examiner is not a
relatively-new examiner;
insist that it is put in
writing that
they have
more than 10 years
minimum of actually
their own
full-time (not part-time)
polygraph examinations.
Long-time examiners
already have
these facts
in writing on their
websites; assume very
experience is likely
if it's not
already shown
in writing.
$345 in Temecula;
or $145 in Los Angeles!
(or $99-- see the special!)
NEVER be tricked into
paying a deposit if you
are going to an examiner's
office. If the examiner
can't trust you to show
up without paying a
deposit, that's an insult.
There are examiners who
don't want you to know
that they only have
10 years of
part-time polygraph
experience. They have
been caught saying
"More than xx years of
police experience",
hoping you don't see
that the truth is that
they only have x years
of only part-time
polygraph experience.
We have more than 35 years of
polygraph experience,
with in
of 11000 completed
No other examiner in your area
has even near that experience.
Read John's credentials at
818 883-6969
Temecula lie-detector
RUN if a polygraph place
makes you pay them a
deposit before you come
in for a test! No other
professional such as a
doctor or a lawyer would
insult you like that!
Only a new examiner
would try that garbage
on a client.
Lie-detector Temecula
A polygraph could take an hour
and a half, for all three parts.
The longest of the three parts,
the 'pre-test',
is where your
desired one-to-four questions
to be used are developed.
Following federal guidelines,
you can
spend an hour at
home to write
these questions,
office time.
Part 2, The actual 'polygraphing'
where those
Yes or No
questions are asked
and answered
while the person
in wired up
to the computer
polygraph, is only
5-minute chart collections.
15 minutes total.
The final part is the 'post-test'.
This is where the test results
are explained and discussed.
Read this block about
our discounted-price
office in Los Angeles
county-- this is info
that no other polygraph
examiner want you to know:
Or come to our Los Angeles office:
With our 35+ years of
we charge
$345 in
If you want to get
a $200
you can come,
7 days a week, for an
appointment at our
Los Angeles County office:
the same
test is only $145!
(or $99 if you qualify!)
Are you ready to see the
advanced information
about a polygraph test
in Temecula?
If so, click here.
We have represented
our truth profession
in more than 1000 TV
and/or other media
situations. Televison
must have the best
testing available, as
potentially millions
are seeing the results.
You too can use the
same examiner that
the studios choose.
Click here see another
Temecula polygraph website.
(one discount
per test)
Temecula Polygraph
818 883-6969
We let YOU decide which is the best for you--
A free 4-page report
---or instead---
The test can be
watched as it happens!
Visit here to read
about the $145
polygraph examiner
who has more than
30 years experience
Two polygraph warnings:

1. Some examiners don't want you to know they have less than 5 years of actual part-time polygraph experience, so they 'deflect' you into reading about their xx years of past job (not polygraph) work!
2. After paying big dollars for a polygraph test, some examiners trick you into paying a hundred dollars or two hundred dollars for a written report!

Click here see another
Temecula polygraph website.
Or call 818 883-6969
Need to save money?
We test in Temecula
for a fair price, but it's
only $145 if you visit
our Los Angeles County
office instead:
We are the only real choice
for a certified
examination for residents